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Mar 02
Announcement of State Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) Program - Call for Rural and Small Urban Projects

​The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCOOT) is pleased to announce the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2021-2022 call for projects for rural and small urbanized areas Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) program.

The Governor of South Carolina has designated the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCOOT), Office of Public Transit (OPT), as the designated recipient (DR) for (both rural and small urban, Section 5310) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds to administer in accordance with state and federal laws, statutes, and regulations.

As it relates to the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program; the Office of Public Transit is responsible for administering the Rural and Small Urban apportionments. The Large urbanized areas receive their funds directly from FTA.
This year's awards shall be as follows:

Vehicle purchase:
Purpose - Built ADA Vehicle - $55,000.00

Cutaway Vehicle - $60,000.00

Purchase of Service:

Mobility Management:

Matching Requirements
The matching requirements for the Section 5310 program are: Capital assistance -
80 percent federal share; 20 percent local share (purchase of service and mobility management)
85 percent federal share; 15 percent local match (ADA vehicle purchase)

Applicants may now complete the New Grant Management System (GMS) Annual SFY2020-2021 for Section 5310 Application which is located on the Office of Public Transit, Transit Programs webpage:
The 2021-2022 Section 5310 Application is due to the Office of Public Transit no later than April 15, 2021. The application must be submitted on or before the due date in order to be considered for funding.
Documents not submitted to the OPT or received after the posted due dates will not be considered for funding. Applications for any or all programs can be submitted prior to the posted due dates. Applicants must submit a separate application for Rural or Small Urbanized area projects as appropriate.

The applications will be reviewed, evaluated, and prioritized by the Council of Governments (COG). All Priority Authorization Form must be submitted to SCOOT no later than June 30, 2021. SCOOT will review all COG prioritized recommendations for final determination and recommendation for funding.

It is anticipated that funding recommendations will be presented to the SCOOT Commission at its regularly scheduled meeting, followed by appropriate public comment solicited through the SCOOT Public Comment process.
Upon ensuring required original signature documents are received and the Federal grant agreement awarded, OPT will issue contract documents for the project period of performance: July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022.

For Additional Information
For questions or additional information, please contact Ms. Awanda Livingston, 53 IO Program Manager, at (803) 737-0982 or email to Program information/required forms are located on the OPT Transit Programs web page:

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