
SCDOT occasionally purchases homes or buildings that are within new right of way needed for a transportation project. These improvements are sold by this office by public bid sale and must be removed from the property. Typically the highest bidder is the successful bidder, but SCDOT reserves the right to reject all bids if they are all not considered to be in the best interest of the State. A sealed bid sale entails bidders submitting bids in a sealed envelope for a parcel before 11:00 AM on the designated date of the bid sale. The bids remain sealed until the opening of the bids, which is immediately after 11:00 AM and are opened before a minimum of three staff members of the Property Management section. Bids are not awarded until there has been a close review of the submittals, ensuring that all contracts are properly executed, and the correct earnest money and the performance deposit are enclosed. Monetary submittals must be in the form of a certified check or a money order. The Property Management section makes a recommendation to the Director of Rights of Way to accept the highest bid or reject all of the bids if they are all deemed to be unacceptable. We must have the concurrence of the Director of Rights of Way before the bidders are notified of the results of the bid sale. The performance deposit is required on these transactions to ensure that the lot is cleared and left in a child safe manner by the specified date. The performance deposit is returned to the bidder after the lot is cleared and inspected to insure that it is child safe. “Child Safe” for our purposes is defined as no large holes, nails, or dangerous materials are to be left exposed and pipe is to be cut off at ground level and capped. This page contains a list of improvements available for current bid sale.

If a house/building bid sale has occurred and no acceptable bids have been received, SCDOT may then accept direct offers for the houses/buildings. See a list of current improvements for direct offers.

 ​Improvements Listings